
Praemia REIM France

Public limited company with a Management Board and Supervisory Board, with share capital of 825,100 euros. Registered under number 531 231 124 RCS Paris - APE 6630Z. Approved by the AMF as a portfolio management company on 16 December 2011, under number GP 11 000043. AIFM approval dated 10 June 2014. Holder of the professional certificate bearing the mentions “Real Estate Management” and “Transactions on buildings and businesses”, number CPI 7501 2016 000 007 568, issued on 17 May 2019 by the CCI of Paris Ile-de-France, and guaranteed by CNA Insurance Company Ltd, located at 52-54 rue de la Victoire, 75009 Paris.

Head office: 36 rue de Naples - 75008 Paris.
Telephone: +33 (0)1 44 21 70 00
Fax: 0144217123
Postal address: 36 rue de Naples - 75008 Paris
email :


Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance, and the value of an investment can go down as well as up, as can the income derived from it.
This informational document is non-contractual. The legal and tax information contained in this document is up to date at the time of its publication, and may be modified subsequently. The simulations presented have been carried out according to financial assumptions and the current regulations in force, and these elements are likely to evolve. The information contained in this document was derived from sources believed to be reliable and up-to-date at the time of its publication; however, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed.


This socially innovative project is supported by a leading team brought together by Praemia REIM and development manager Orfeo including architects Ateliers 2/3/4 and among others, Briand & Berthereau(outside wall design), Chzon(interior design),Agate Mordka(landscaping), Interface (programming support), G-ON (sustainable support) and BETC PLACES (marketing innovation and communication).

BETC PLACES designs, produces, and promotes urban and social innovation projects to create inhabited spaces capables of changes the way that we live and work.

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